Passcodes for Duo authentication are being phased out on May 8

Passcodes are six-digit one-time codes that are typically generated by a hardware token and are also available through the Duo Mobile app. If you are using Verified Duo Push, you will not be affected by this change.

Verified Duo Push displays a 3-digit verification code to enter into your phone and is currently used by most of the OSU community.

To learn more visit

Two-step login to protect your OSU account.

Sign up for Duo

Help! I can't login

If you need to manage your Duo devices, reactivate Duo on a device or request a temporary Duo code, please contact your local IT support group or the Service Desk. 


Increase in OSU accounts compromised compared to previous three years.


Duo Mobile is now available to anyone with an OSU Login.


Strong passwords are essential, but they aren't enough. Phishing attacks and data breaches put your account at risk. Duo Mobile provides extra security for your OSU Account with two-step login.

Manage Duo Devices

Login to manage your Duo-enabled device or hardware token.

Manage Devices

Device Reactivation

Get a new phone? Use this service to reactivate Duo.

Reactivate Device

Temporary Duo Code

Generate a temporary Duo code in advance for use in situations where you may not have access to your Duo device or token, such as a proctored exam, or before you run out of phone battery.

Generate Temporary Code



Download Duo from the App Store


Duo Mobile for Android devices

Download Duo from the Google Play Store



Physical Security Keys

Get a physical security key from the Beaver Store

Two-step Login

With two-step login, anyone trying to access your account must provide two forms of ID:

  • Something you know, such as your password.
  • Something you have, such as a physical security key or a mobile app.

Some services and websites refer to this as two-step authentication, two-step verification, multifactor authentication, or login verification.